Cardiac tests are those investigations done to evaluate the functioning and efficacy of the heart. Some of the types of cardiac tests are ECG, exercise stress test, cardiac catheterization, echocardiogram, MRI, CT angiogram, coronary angiogram, and some blood tests. 


The level of cardiac enzymes indicates the health of the heart muscle. The three basic cardiac enzymes are myoglobin, troponin, and creatine kinase. These enzymes are tested to find out the probability of experiencing a heart attack or to check whether the patient had any previous heart attack.


Some of the early warning signs of heart problems are heaviness or tightness of the chest, shortness of breath, numbness or weakness of legs and arms, and pain in the neck, jaw, and upper arms. 


A cardiac profile test is a basic blood test consisting of around 66 important tests including cardiac markers, lipid profile, complete blood count, liver, kidney, and thyroid profile.


The importance of undergoing cardiac tests is to identify high-risk patients and provide them with the best possible cure at the earliest. Our expert cardiologists provide world-class treatment based on proper diagnosis.