Heart infection results from the entry of microorganisms like bacteria viruses and fungi into the heart. There are mainly three types of heart infections. They are pericarditis, myocarditis, and endocarditis. Heart infections are commonly seen in people more than 65 years of age,  who have a previous history of cardiac surgery or using recreational drugs.


Among these types, endocarditis is the most severe one. It occurs when the microorganisms enter the bloodstream and travel to the heart and get attached to the inner layer. Types of infective endocarditis or bacterial endocarditis include acute, subacute, or chronic. People who are at risk of developing heart infection are those who have acquired valve disease, prosthetic heart valve, previous history of endocarditis, congenital heart defects, drug abusers, and immunocompromised patients. 


Symptoms of infective endocarditis are skin rash, sore throat, fever, and chest pain. These conditions are diagnosed by a doctor with the help of infection symptoms, echocardiogram, and blood culture. 


These conditions are treated with the help of antibiotics given orally or through IV. Surgeries are recommended in case of damage to the heart valve or the heart as a whole.