Coronary artery disease or ischemic heart disease is the narrowing or blockage in the coronary arteries caused by the deposition of fatty material. The fatty material is called plaqueAngina or chest pain is the most common symptom of coronary artery disease. The supply of blood and oxygen to the heart occurs with the help of coronary arteries. A blockage in these arteries results in reduced blood flow and oxygen flow to the heart which eventually results in angina or chest pain. 


The risk of developing coronary artery disease increases with age. Both men and women are equally affected by CAD. Menopausal women and persons with a family history of heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes are considered risk factors. Patients suffering from coronary artery disease experience symptoms like angina, heart attack, shortness of breath, neck or jaw pain, fatigue, and chest. 


Treatment includes adopting a few lifestyle changes along with medications. Surgical procedures include angioplasty and coronary artery bypass graft. We have a group of cardiologists who can diagnose your condition and provide appropriate world-class treatment. A patient's health is of utmost importance to us.