Doppler scan is usually a noninvasive test that helps in estimating the blood flow through blood vessels. It uses high-frequency sound waves. It differs from regular ultrasound scanning since a normal ultrasound uses sound waves to produce images, but can't show blood flow.


A Doppler ultrasound helps in diagnosing

·         Blood clots

·         Poor functioning of valves in leg veins

·         Heart valve defects

·         Congenital heart disease

·         Bulging arteries

·         Stenosis of an artery


This procedure is usually performed by a technician who is trained in ultrasound imaging. 


It is considered a great alternative to invasive procedures such as angiography etc. People with conditions such as varicose veins, any cardiac block, aneurysm, pulmonary embolism, or DVT are usually advised by doctors to undergo a Doppler scan.


Doppler scan, during pregnancy, is done to detect the blood flow in the placenta, uterus, and blood circulation in the baby.


Colour doppler is the method of superimposing colors on the image of a blood vessel to find the direction and speed of blood flow. There are many types like Carotid doppler, venous doppler, renal doppler, and so on.