TMT(Treadmill test), also called the Cardiac stress test, is used to determine the efficacy of the heart’s function during the times when it needs to work hard. It helps the doctor to determine whether the heart receives proper blood and enough oxygen supply during the performance of some vigorous exercises. This is primarily done to rule out certain conditions like a blockage in coronary arteries. This is an invasive procedure done under the guidance of an x-ray. 


This is one of the most important and safe, and widely used tests. During this test the patient is asked to walk fast on the treadmill and if the artery is not able to supply the extra blood during that time abnormal signals are recorded by ECG.


Patients who have symptoms of angina, previous history of heart attack, and who have undergone cardiac surgery are suggested to undergo TMT. The TMT test for the heart takes approximately 1 hour to complete. This procedure is so simple that it can be done in the OPD itself and does not require hospitalization. 


We are glad to help you with a team of trained technicians and expert cardiologists who can provide you with a quick recovery.