Heart attack or Myocardial Infarction defines the block in the blood flow to the heart muscle. It is a very serious medical emergency. The condition occurs when one or more of the coronary arteries are blocked. Block may be due to deposition of fat in the form of plaques, and deposition of calcium. 


The triggering factors which cause heart attack are taking a high-fat diet, obesity, smoking, stress, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Some warning signs of heart attack are a pain in one or both arms that extends to the fingers, pain in the back, neck, jaw, and shortness of breath. In some types of heart attacks, the patient would not notice any symptoms. This is called silent heart attack and it is more common in Diabetic patients. 


Post-Heart-Attack care is to start eating a healthy diet, exercise regularly, stress management, maintain healthy body weight, and quit smoking. 


Treatment includes intake of medications. Emergency care for heart attack patients includes checking vital signs followed by CPR and calling local emergency numbers.